What Happens to Culture After a Financial Crisis? A New Exhibition Offers a Global Survey of Art in the Wake of Economic Collapse

What do Detroit, Greece, Cuba, Italy, and South Korea have in common? They’ve all suffered social crises triggered by a large-scale economic collapses. A new exhibition from the Cranbrook Art Museum at Michigan’s Cranbook Academy of Art takes a look at the innovative art scenes that have sprung up in the aftermath of such dramatic financial downturns.

“The frequency of economic upheaval and recovery has accelerated over the last half-century, primarily due to interdependent, global economies,” explained Laura Mott, Cranbrook’s senior curator, in a statement. “The exhibition offers an exciting opportunity to look to artistic production as a way to understand our contemporary moment from the ground up, and to explore how artists have continued to mine the material cultures that rose from these crises for inspiration and meaning.”

Learn more at artnet news.